three line imagesCataract

What Do You Understand By Cataract

A cataract is an eye condition that is characterized by the clouding of the natural lens in the eye, which leads to vision loss. Naturally, the eye's lens is clear and allows light to pass through, focusing on the retina at the back of the eye. However, when a cataract develops, the lens becomes cloudy, and this cloudiness interferes with the normal passage of light.

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Cataracts are categorized based on their cause and location. Nuclear cataracts form in the central part of the eye's lens, affecting vision. Cortical cataracts develop in the lens cortex, causing visual disturbances. Posterior subcapsular cataracts occur at the back of the lens, impacting close-up vision and reading. Congenital cataracts are present at birth, often due to genetics or maternal infections during pregnancy. Traumatic cataracts result from eye injuries, while secondary cataracts may develop as complications of other eye conditions or surgeries. Age-related cataracts, the most common type, occur due to the natural aging process, clouding the lens and leading to vision impairment.

Cataracts exhibit gradual symptoms that affect vision. Blurred or cloudy vision, increased sensitivity to glare, difficulty seeing at night, and faded colors are common indicators. Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription may occur as the lens loses clarity. Double vision in one eye and a halo effect around lights can also manifest. Diminished contrast sensitivity, leading to difficulty distinguishing between objects, is another symptom. Additionally, individuals may experience a decline in visual acuity, making routine activities such as reading or driving challenging. Regular eye examinations are essential for early detection and appropriate management of cataracts, often requiring surgical intervention for optimal vision restoration.

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Surgical Options

Intraocular Lens Options

Laser-assisted Cataract Surgery

In some cases, cataract surgeons utilize advanced laser technology to assist with specific steps in eye cataract treatment, such as to enhance precision and efficiency in cataract removal. A femtosecond laser is employed to create precise incisions, fragment the cloudy lens, and facilitate its removal. This method offers improved accuracy, reduces the need for manual steps, and enhances overall surgical outcomes, leading to quicker recovery and improved visual results for patients undergoing cataract surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes it is possible. Now a days, with the availability of latest phaco refractive surgery techniques, one can get rid of specs for distance as well as near. Along with removal of cataracts, implantation of Toric, Multifocal and EDOF IOLs is performed in these procedures.

You can do without surgery until cataracts interfere with your daily life. However, if your cataract causes blurred vision, glare while driving, or make it impossible for you to complete tasks or enjoy hobbies, then it is time to consider surgery.

When you follow a healthy lifestyle and have a clean diet, the odds of cataracts getting worse may be reduced. By avoiding drugs that increase the risk of cataracts, you can also prevent cataract growth. It includes long-term use of certain eyedrops & medicines for skin and other ailments.As a final safety step, reduce prolonged UV light exposure without shielding your skin. Wear UV protective sunglasses to cut back on cataract growth, even during cloudy days.

Ageing is the most common risk factor related to cataracts. Some risk factors included: Smoking Certain diseases eg Diabetes Taking certain medications Extended unprotected exposure to UV rays

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