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How Can Diabetic Patients Save their Eyes from Retinopathy?

DR. GIRDHARI LAL GUPTA In Diabetic Retinopathy

Oct 26, 2024 | 6 min read

The presence of diabetes can affect a large number of areas including eye health. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common complication of diabetes and poses a risk to eyesight if proper measures are not managed properly. It is important to know about the vision complications associated with diabetes in their early stages and ways to prevent such eye problems caused by diabetes for effective eyesight preservation.


This blog will tell all issues related to diabetic retinopathy prevention including its preservation approaches and how diabetic retinopathy patients can care for their eyes to protect their vision.


What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the retina’s blood vessels. The blood vessels can be damaged due to high blood sugar levels and cause vision problems. There are usually two levels: early-stage diabetic retinopathy and late-stage diabetic retinopathy. The earlier detection of diabetic retinopathy is crucial, as it can significantly alter the prognosis.


Early-Stage Diabetes Eye Symptoms

The initial stage of diabetic retinopathy may be silent and not easily recognized by the patient as it may not always be noticeable. The following are some of the common signs of such a stage:


  • Floaters :  are lines or dots that are perceived while focused on a particular object.
  • Vision (spectral) : Region of the central vision that appears blank or is of a darker zone.
  • Reduced Contrast Sensitivity (Night Vision): where onset of poor vision occurs with the onset of -effective lighting can be an early symptom.
  • Blurred Vision : High blood sugar levels make the eye tissues swell, and a focus is lost such that one experiences blurred vision.


Patients presenting any of these signs should book an appointment with an eye care practitioner as soon as possible.


How to Prevent Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy prevention is achievable with preemptive measures. Here are some effective measures:


1. Control the Levels of Blood Sugars in the Body:

Controlling extreme levels of blood sugar is the fundamental approach to preventing any kind of vision loss due to diabetes. This entails regular monitoring and proper compliance with medications. It is preferable to target levels of HbA1C less than 7%, but individual preferences should be sought from the healthcare providers.

2. Eye Check-up Courses that are Designed for Diabetics:

Diabetic retinopathy treatment is also a procedure that has to be scheduled regularly. Routine diabetic eye tests are crucial, an eye care expert can spot early retinopathy signs so that treatment can be administered timely. In most cases, diabetic patients are encouraged to visit an eye specialist for eyecare at least once a year, or more often if advised.

3. Work on Controlling the Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, or both, have additional effects in increasing the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. These levels should be checked regularly and stick to the doctor’s recommendations on managing them through lifestyle changes or medication.

4. Nutritious Meal:

A balanced diet, consisting of all food groups including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy protein would assist in keeping the blood glucose level down. Antioxidant-rich foods like leafy greens and the omega-3 found in fish are good for eye health.

5. Exercise Regularly:

Committing to routine exercises also helps balance the amount of sugar in the blood and fosters wellness. Aim for at least 10 minutes of moderate aerobic exercises every week. It is important to consult your doctor before starting a new exercise regime.

6. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption:

Excessive drinking and smoking can worsen diabetes complications such as retinopathy. If you smoke, please seek help to quit smoking, and limit alcohol consumption to a moderate level.


Eye Care Tips for Diabetic Patients

There are certain diabetic eye health tips that every diabetic can follow to improve the risk of diabetes complications affecting the eye:


  • Stepping out in the Sun, wear shades: Limit the exposure of the eyes to sun rays especially because it can aggravate certain eye problems.
  • Staying Hydrated: Take in lots of water to appreciate the comfort of hydrated eyeballs.
  • Reduce Time Spent on the Screen: Too much screen time can lead to digital eye strain.
  • Observe the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at least twenty feet away for twenty seconds.


What are the Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment Options?

When someone is diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, there are many treatment alternatives. In most cases, early intervention can help prevent eye damage from diabetes. Retinopathy treatments for diabetic patients are:


1. Laser Treatment
This advanced treatment involves laser therapy to stop bleeding in existing vessels and encourage the growth of new healthy blood vessels thereby preventing further loss of vision.

2. Injections
Anti-VEGF injections are given to patients to alleviate the swelling in the retina and prevent the growth of blood vessels that do not belong. These treatments may be repeated over time.

3. Vitrectomy
In serious cases, a vitrectomy will have to be performed. This procedure removes the blood and scar tissue in the eye for clearer vision.

4. Monitoring & Follow-up Care
Post-operative, regular reviews with an eye care practitioner are essential. Such regular reviews will prevent any painless watching of new developments.


How can I say that I am suffering from diabetic retinopathy?

There are numerous ways of assessing diabetic retinopathy but the surest is through programmed pupillary dilatation and a non-stress test. Nonetheless, one should take note of signs of diabetic eye in its initial stage like a floating substance causing blurred vision.


What changes in my lifestyle can help me reduce the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy?

However, approaching diabetes by controlling blood glucose levels, eating healthy meals, physical activities and not smoking are effective steps in changing one’s lifestyle to prevent diabetic retinopathy.


Is it possible to treat diabetic retinopathy effectively?

There is a possibility that early-stage diabetic retinopathy will get better under good control and treatment yet, less advanced retinopathy can also cause loss of vision that will be permanent. The importance of early identification cannot be overstated.


What is the recommendation for diabetic eye-checking seconds?

The above accounts for a minimum of one comprehensive eye exam in one year for almost all diabetic patients. Nonetheless, depending on your situation, your eyecare practitioner may advise you on more frequent testing or screening procedures.



Diabetic retinopathy is a serious condition and complications that can threaten your vision. Nevertheless, the risk can be tremendously lowered with certain precautions. Control of sugar levels in the body, eye examinations at regular intervals, and upholding diabetic eye care strategies will help safeguard your vision. In case you experience any early-stage diabetic eye symptoms, make sure to contact the professionals. Your eyesight is priceless—act accordingly and do what needs to be done now to protect it for the future.

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