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5 Key Differences between Squint and Strabismus


Apr 13, 2024 | 3 min read

Have you ever heard someone say they have a squint or strabismus? These terms might sound complicated, but they simply refer to conditions where the eyes don’t look in the same direction. Many people get confused when it comes to strabismus vs squint. Let’s explore what makes squint different from strabismus and how they affect people’s vision.


Squint Vs Strabismus

Squint, also known as “crossed eyes” or “lazy eye,” happens when one eye looks in a different direction from the other. It can turn inward, outward, upward, or downward. Squint can make it hard for someone to see things properly because the eyes aren’t working together.


Strabismus is like a big umbrella term that covers all sorts of eye misalignment, including squint. It’s when the eyes aren’t lined up the way they should be. Strabismus can happen all the time, or it might come and go. Sometimes, people with strabismus might even have one eye that’s higher or lower than the other.


Symptoms of Squint and Strabismus

Symptoms of squint may include misaligned eyes, double vision, or a decrease in vision in one eye. Children with squint may also develop amblyopia, commonly known as “lazy eye.”


The symptoms of strabismus are similar to those of squint, with misaligned eyes being the primary indicator. However, strabismus may manifest as a constant misalignment or occur intermittently.


Types of Squint and Strabismus

Squint can manifest in various forms, including:

  • esotropia (inward turning of the eye)
  • exotropia (outward turning)
  • hypertropia (upward turning)
  • and hypotropia (downward turning)

Strabismus encompasses all types of eye misalignment, including those seen in squint, as well as other forms such as alternating fixation (where one eye fixates while the other deviates) or cyclovertical strabismus (tilted misalignment).


Treatments for Squint and Strabismus

Treatment for squint might involve wearing glasses to help with vision problems, doing eye exercises to strengthen eye muscles, or even having surgery to realign the eyes.


Treatment options for strabismus are similar to those for squint and may include glasses, eye exercises (orthoptics), patching therapy, or surgery, depending on the severity and underlying cause.


What are the Causes of Squint and Strabismus?

Squint– It can be caused by problems with the muscles that control eye movement, issues with the nerves that send signals to the eye muscles, or even because of glasses prescription problems like being nearsighted or farsighted.


Strabismus– Just like squint, strabismus can happen because of muscle or nerve problems, but it can also be due to genetics, injuries, or certain medical conditions.



In simple terms, squint and strabismus are both about the eyes not lining up properly, but they have some differences. Squint is a type of eye misalignment where one eye turns in a different direction, while strabismus is a broader term that covers all sorts of eye alignment problems. Knowing the difference can help people understand what’s going on with their eyes and how to get the right treatment. If you or someone you know has any of these eye issues, it’s essential to see an eye doctor who can help figure out the best way to fix it and keep your eyes healthy.

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