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Life After LASIK Eye Surgery


Aug 31, 2023 | 3 min read


LASIK full form is Laser-Assisted In Situ keratomileusis. It offers the promise of clear vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses. While the procedure itself is relatively quick and painless, adjusting to life after surgery can be an exciting yet slightly challenging process. In this article, we’ll delve into what you can expect after LASIK eye surgery, how your vision will evolve, and tips for a smooth transition to a glasses-free lifestyle.


1. Immediate LASIK Post-Op Experience

The hours immediately following LASIK surgery can be a bit disorienting. You may experience some blurriness, discomfort, and light sensitivity. However, these effects are usually short-lived and tend to improve within a few hours. Most patients are advised to rest and keep their eyes closed as much as possible during this time.


2. The First Few Days After LASIK Surgery

  • Visual Improvement: In the days following LASIK, you will likely notice a remarkable improvement in your vision. Many patients report that they can see more clearly than they ever could with glasses or contacts.
  • Medications and Eye Drops: Your surgeon will prescribe eye drops and medications to prevent infection and reduce inflammation. Follow their instructions carefully to ensure proper healing.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: You will have several follow-up appointments with your LASIK surgeon to monitor your progress. These appointments are essential for ensuring your eyes are healing correctly.


3. Temporary Side Effects After LASIK Eye Surgery

  • Dry Eyes: Dryness is a common side effect after Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. Your surgeon may recommend artificial tears to keep your eyes comfortable. This dryness typically diminishes as your eyes heal.
  • Glare and Halos: Some patients experience glare, halos, or starbursts around lights at night, especially during the first few weeks. These issues usually improve as your eyes adapt to their new shape.
  • Fluctuating Vision: It’s normal for your vision to fluctuate slightly during the initial weeks. This is part of the healing process as your corneas settle into their final shape.


4. Long-Term Adjustments

  • Enjoying Activities: Most patients can resume normal activities within a few days. You can finally swim, shower, and play sports without worrying about glasses or contacts.
  • Updating Your Prescription: Over time, your vision might change. While LASIK can correct your vision, it doesn’t prevent age-related vision changes. Regular eye exams are essential to monitor and address any shifts in your vision.
  • UV Protection: Your Eyes may be more sensitive to sunlight after LASIK. Invest in a good pair of sunglasses with UV protection to safeguard your eyes when outdoors.
  • Eye Hygiene: Good eye hygiene is crucial post-LASIK. Avoid rubbing your eyes and follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding the use of eye drops and cleaning your eyelids.


5. Emotional Adjustment

Adjusting to life without glasses or contacts can have a significant emotional impact. You may feel liberated, more confident, and no longer burdened by the daily routine of cleaning and maintaining your eyewear. However, some people may also experience a sense of loss or anxiety about not having the safety net of glasses. Give yourself time to adapt emotionally, and don’t hesitate to discuss your feelings with your LASIK surgeon or an eye care professional.



LASIK surgery can be a life-changing experience, offering the freedom of clear vision without the hassles of glasses or contacts. While the immediate post-operative period may come with some discomfort and temporary side effects, most patients quickly adjust to their new, improved vision. With proper care, follow-up appointments, and patience, you can enjoy a glasses-free lifestyle and the many benefits that LASIK provides.


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